What equipment do i need?
We try to make our :sessions as easy to access as possible.
However, please keep in mind, that our locations are nightclubs! This means that we provide an incredible atmosphere and soundsystem, but we do not have all the amenities in place, that a fitness studio has.
We recommend to come with sports clothes already on, however there are places to change.
You can decide to BYOM (bring your own mat) or rent one from us for 2€ (when you book the session).
What we offer:
-Places to change clothes and leave your belongings
-Yoga Mats (for a rental fee of 2€)
-Drinks after the :session (feel:shake, can be booked as an add-on)
-Coaches with experience in their sports and that support you throughout the :sessions
-an incredible atmosphere and good music <3
What we cannot offer:
-A bad time!
When should i be at the :session?
We recommend to be there around 5 minutes before the :session is starting to grab your mat, find your place and get ready. The coach will be there to welcome you.
What music and sports can i expect?
What you book is what you get! Our coaches and :sessions all have a specific vibe, that fits the atmosphere of the location and the vibe of the people. If you are not sure, what the theme of a :session is, feel free to reach out to us via office@feelu.at or on Instagram. You can also check out our Coaches for an insight, what their vibe is.
Who makes the music?
Our music is carefully chosen by the feel:u team and the nightclubs the :session is taking place. The playlist will be played by the coaches during the :session: However, we do have a lot of special events planned, where a live DJ provides the fitting beats to our workouts.
What is the feel:shake?
We partnered with GoPrimal to provide you the best of the best sports drinks. We will offer a variety of shakes and drinks, with changing menus and themes. However, what you can be sure of is, that every sip is exactly what your body needs after an hour of sweat and fun.